
Nexx Ting!!

Don't care what no-one seyz.. I like these guys!!
You may disagree, but boy every situation discussed is controversial at the end of the day anyway!!
Check them out!! - Is Worth It


2011 - What's New?

Nuffink too Big this time. I think...

The years coming to a close, and it’s about that time when Facebook News feeds start flooding with peoples status talking about making ‘’changes’’ to their lifestyle and what not.. HOLD ON A SECOUND!!!

You know what, people talking ‘bout how their gonna’ change isn’t even the problem anymore. It’s the people who are complaining about people claiming there gonna change.

First things first, you complained last year... so why you complaining AGAIN this year – Chillax sonny Jim!!

Secoundly, not to be rude and all... BUT IZ IT UR BUSINESS!! I hate it when people say their gonna change for the better and what not and screw up but rah, were all just humans at the beginning and end of the day so if someone’s talking ‘bout how they’re gonna change, that’s their business, not yours.

So anyway, that’s all I needed to release from my chest. Minus that... 

* Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year *

to you all.. I pray that this year shall be your year of favour and prosperity.. and all shall be well with you and your family!!

Peace & God Bless !


Commercial = NOT CUTTING IT!

Let this Blog entry offend no-one, that’s not my intention.

Well.. isn’t much to it.. Just wanted to share my views about the way people are moving nowadays.

Erm.. hmm, I need a bit of clarification here. When THE HELL did it become a trend to actually desire to become commercial? Like, I actually don’t understand. In my eyes it’s not even cool, trust me.

Fair enuf if you’re like apart of an entertainment group or affiliated, or just know many people and many people know you (not necessarily intentional), at the end of the day its bound to happen – your name will be known/recognized in the whole of south.

But like, I never thought it would become a trend, seriously! That’s quite deep. WHY? Well, it seems to me like this commercial look that people seek for tends to backfire at them, and I’m quite sure, no-one wants to find them self in a predicament were just because they are known by everyone, they are put in danger (Death via suicide, shooting, stabbing, poison etc etc).

At the end of the day people need to understand that what you actually need to do is – BE YOURSELF, str8!

Following on from that, when I say BE YOURSELF, it doesn’t mean all of a sudden be rude by telling everyone how you feel about them because it isn’t always necessary and it looks like your just looking for trouble – Too dead. Don’t give you an excuse to be disrespectful either and move like you look like Beyonce and ish. NAH! Not even, just plain and simple be yourself! In some cases, it also means you have no right to grow wings that angels don’t even possess (Not indirect but people tend to jump on this wave ALOT).

If you need help finding yourself (which allows you to BE YOURSELF), your local church is open every Sunday, and if lucky everyday LOL – Consult your pastor fih’me!

LOL, Ona serious note tho, take the advice into consideration, I think it’s worth it!

Peace & God Bless! 


Friends Forver!?

Friends forever the mean time. 
Okay, I believe the above statement sets the scene quite well.

Friendships is the topic for this blog. Its been bugging me awhile so I thought ''Hey, why don't I share my views/thoughts with the public?'' *Laughs to self*

Rightio, I feel this is gonna turn a bit ''preachy'' so congregation - brace yourselves. Things may be a bit all over the place - im writing whatever comes to mind before I lose it..

I've done my research, and I've been able to infer from my findings that the definition of friend via Google is ''a person you know well and regard with affection and trust'' - So answer me this, why do these same ''friends'' we are supposed to know well and regard with affection AND trust decide to BACKSTAB us when we least expect?

Google goes on to describe a friend as an ally - ''ally: an associate who provides cooperation or assistance'' - So answer me this, why do these same ''friends'' in your time of need are for some reason nowhere to be found, instead their indulging in the wickedness you thought least to expect them partaking in.

That same person you felt would be there - instead their not there - their already at the finish line before you even put on your nikey's (If your a person who is ''deep'' you will understand what was just stated)

Don't get me wrong - Google don't have the answers to everything, but I guarantee you when you need help with your homework that's the search engine you run to, no hesitation.. and I'm sure you trust the information they give you don't you? Kl!

Now, i've noticed something. This word ''friend'', its actually being tossed about like it holds no value - '' Yh man she's kl datz my friend still '' - What im saying is not applicable to statements like this because as far as i'm concerned, i'm very sure that you would say something like this only due to the rush of the moment 'cos your not gonna say ''Yh thats my associate still '' - if that's what you were thinking, erase it from your mind LOL

I just find it really hard for people to be stating SO MANY people as their friend(s). You may say, ''who are you to judge who my friends are though?'', but at the end of the day just look back at the amount of ''friends'' you had in year seven, and the amount of friends you THINK you have now - case closed (If you were a neek or loner, just press the red [  x  ] button at the top. Your safe)

I really do understand now why when African parents say stuff like ''daz mah clazz mayte'' or ''he was my junyar/seenyar'' because at least there not like us screaming to the whole world ''dats ma darg'' or ''dats my co-d'' (both equivalent to friend - if you mean what your saying)

Well, boy! I think my point has been expressed well enough. The whole underlying meaning of this blog was to just open your eyes a bit so the next time you label someone as your friend, you actually mean it.

Oh yh! One more thing - take into consideration that people come and go, people become mature, some unfortunately become immature - at the end of the day, everything happens for a reason, some reasons justified, some reasons unjustified. Just know that that ''darg'', that ''co-d'', that ''R.O.D'', that ''friend'' may not be your friend 10 years down the line - but God will.

Ima leave you guys with one of my fav biblical quotes, which suprisingly slightly relates to the topic: 
"If your brother sins against you, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.' - Matthew 18:15-16

Peace & God Bless!



1 Month. October. 1/10 – 31/10. Black History Month :/

Is that all we get, ONE MONTH! One month were we contemplate on Martin Luther King’s dream. One month were we recall back Rosa Parks efforts. One month were we remember Nelson Mandela’s fight for the end in apartheid. Is that all we get, a month! All these black icons and legends have substantially transformed our society today (for the good) and all we get is a month? Pshh!
As far as i’m concerned October is just any ordinary month to me (minus the fact that the 31st is MY BIRTHDAY – slap that in your calendars’ kids!).

It may seem as if i’m condemning black history month, well please allow me to clarify. This is not necessarily the case. I do appreciate that in October we are able to look back and reflect on what these great people have done for us which has benefited us today, but I just feel why do we have to specifically pick out October of all months to celebrate black history - can’t it be an everyday thing?  - If not even an everyday thing, must we exclude January, February, March, April, May etc.. and just focus on October?
Hm, well I doubt I can change the fact that October is black history month, but I hope I’ve changed or should I rather say challenge d your thinking.

Wasn’t much, but felt to let it out!

Peace & God Bless!


Word To The Wize

Well well well.. Is it me or was summer 2010 LIVE! (SKN) Well now that that’s over and done with, It’s that time kids and year 11’s *Special shoutout ;)*. What time you ask? Well what d’you think.. SCHOOL!

It’s been like a week in for some schools but obviously my school only started this week get meee! Sooowww anyway, back to what I was previously discussing, yes! School! Hm, YEAR 11 *Excited/Gassed Mode*. Sorry non-year 11 students to place so much emphasis on year 11, but as you may have guessed, Im in year 11 so that’s what I can really relate to, but no worries enjoy reading still =]. Hm, I can slightly feel what this year has to offer.. I’ll leave that for you to dwell on due to the differences within different schools, but YE! Erm.. im really babbling now LOL, (Its cos i got homework to do HAHA).

But ye, I just wanted to start by saying ‘’Welcome’’ (obviously back to school lol), & don’t allow this year to go to waste (this is applicable to years 7 all the way up to college!), and im not saying this because im so passionate about my education and succeeding in life, it’s because personally, regardless of the saying, I believe education is actually key (Rah boy, what am I saying). Also to my fellow year 11’ers, I think it’s really time to buckle down to your books like seriously its gonna be peak this year and on top of that stressful (Whatta combo lol) so there’s no time to be involving yourself in mix up which will get you nowhere in life! ‘’Trazz me’’, and dem lil fings there. Anyway if you probably don’t hear from me in a long time just know that my heads probably in my books meaning my time is occupied so forgive me, but don’t say I didn’t warn you!! But for now, i gotta go donniesss!

Peace & God Bless!




so ‘’Welcome’’ to my blog. As you may have noticed, I’m a tad new to this so please bear with me. My blog page is entitled ‘Realer Than Real.’, Why such a title?, you might ask. Nothing complex or complicated, I just thought to myself, what could I (Hannah) possibly write about that will reflect me as an individual and serve my audience effectively? 
I’m still not sure exactly what I’ll be writing about, but what I do know is first things first it will be topical and it's gonna be 'REAL', straight up, no beating around the bush, talk! Something engaging that my audience can relate to.
So follow my blog as I explore issues that matter to you and I....enjoy! 

Peace & God Bless!