

1 Month. October. 1/10 – 31/10. Black History Month :/

Is that all we get, ONE MONTH! One month were we contemplate on Martin Luther King’s dream. One month were we recall back Rosa Parks efforts. One month were we remember Nelson Mandela’s fight for the end in apartheid. Is that all we get, a month! All these black icons and legends have substantially transformed our society today (for the good) and all we get is a month? Pshh!
As far as i’m concerned October is just any ordinary month to me (minus the fact that the 31st is MY BIRTHDAY – slap that in your calendars’ kids!).

It may seem as if i’m condemning black history month, well please allow me to clarify. This is not necessarily the case. I do appreciate that in October we are able to look back and reflect on what these great people have done for us which has benefited us today, but I just feel why do we have to specifically pick out October of all months to celebrate black history - can’t it be an everyday thing?  - If not even an everyday thing, must we exclude January, February, March, April, May etc.. and just focus on October?
Hm, well I doubt I can change the fact that October is black history month, but I hope I’ve changed or should I rather say challenge d your thinking.

Wasn’t much, but felt to let it out!

Peace & God Bless!


  1. really dere doesnt have to be a prescribed month, yu can do appreciate black people weneva u like, 'Black History Month' isnt like a holiday or sumfin it actually only started for schools that did not use to incorparate black history in dere learning. nowadays if u hav to learn about martin luther king, ur teacher wont say 'ahh srry guys we cnt do martin luther king coz its not october'

  2. Fair point David. I see my background research wasn't enough but thanks for the correction anyway. The point I wished to put across was the fact that Black people should be appreciated at all times, not at a set time because I'm sure in schools, icons such as Martin Luther King and his efforts are taught to pupils, but isn't it mainly in October? and if not taught in October, it is part of the syllabus or curriculum, NOT because he's black. I hope you understand where im coming from here...
