
''Parental Care''

^ Deceptive; Delusional ^

Alliterative expressions that don’t quite, but almost encapsulate my genuine feelings towards such an  offensive illustration ‘Google Images’ exposes to the human race, and actually expects us/the public to buy into relating to the upbringing of black kids. Falsehood. *Shakes Weave Vigorously*

Ok. I’m exaggerating just a little bit lol. Don’t get me wrong, the kids cute, but if only social services such as the NSPCC knew what he was covering up on his face. If they only knew the antics which occurred behind closed doors in an African or Caribbean household ##Scrap that! Only if they knew what happened even PUBLICALLY in East street market jus’ because you asked your mum to buy you jez ONE donut! Shettttttttttt!

Jay-Z subliminally said it all in his song ‘Hard knock life’ – No wonder the videos infested with black children.

The punishments black children have had to face and jus firm hm... lookin’ back at it now is jus WRONG!! 
And the funny thing is it started from birth:
1. The shaping of the head - weren't really a punishment but just imagine it - Badmine;
2. Being forced to go on all fours nd recieve ginger up ya anus! - Ghanaian speciality;
3. Weird positions which could lead to disability - Nigerian speciality (That makes a lot of sence LOL i jk i jk);
4. Being told to jump like a frog for an hour - When I herd this I for WDF?! - Another Nigerian speciality;
5. Getting sent out ya house half naked in winter;
6. Gettin' slapped up beyond your wildest dreams;
7. Having to choose what cane or belt your own father would use to finish your clart - The audacity! - A Jamaican told me bout this btw, 'Walahi' Loool
I think I should stop there... Trust me, the list can go on till thy kingdom come!

Is interesting looking back and realising how much you’ve/I’ve/We’ve been through (Btw I did not experience ALL the above – my parents were merciful to an extent). I fail to understand what sort’a love is trying to be expressed when your dad drags you from your bunk bed and beats you up so much that you believe in your spirit you’ve actually reached the pinnacle of death.!! < This never happened to me! LOOOOOOOL. 

They say its ‘tough love’ but boy, it gets to a point where there not even tryna teach you a lesson anymore... jus’ a recreation of Lenox Lewis Vs Mike Tyson.

Wow.. how I and half of my peers are still alive today? I dunno!

Peace & God Bless !


Wad'up Witch'o Clothes Darg?

Well well, wa'sup readers? Short intro this time, Ima go str8 in2 it init. My writing skills are kinda slackin now a days sarry..

Ralphy’s – I remember once upon a time I used to actually admire people who possessed Ralphy’s, but now is a thing were fam - I don’t rate you! You’re any old person to me now ‘cos like Ralphy’s are getting jus’ plain jarring now. Corner shop, ‘oh lemme wear my ralphy’, rave ‘oh lemme wear my ralphy’, bed time ‘oh lemme wear my ralphy’ LLOWWWW ITTTTT!! It’s just getting really ridiculous. I don’t have a problem if they are worn once in a while but when it’s consistent and you’re wearing layer upon layer upon layer under layer upon layer of ralphy for no reason then boyy... -7465 ratings for u sir!

Paul’s Boutique – Pauls Boutique hmmm... I remember the days this brand was nuffink! I’ve never been a fan, and certainly am not looking to become one cos you girls jus rinsed it out nuh mun! Er’bady warn wear a paul boutique bag or hoodie... why? Is jezz too much, limit yourself girls, there are other unbranded clothes and bags out in the world that are actually quite nice you know...

Gucci – Lard gad, GUCCI GUCCI GUCCI. Nah is tooooooooooo much now. I bet half of the belts and hats are fake anyway! It’s ridiculously unnecessary. Like a reincarnation of Ralphy’s like **irritationnnn**. & one of the funniest things is, these boys think that when they wear this sort’a clothin’, girls think there rich. FAMM, you got it allllll wrong (well on my behalf and on behalf of girls who think like me), you look like your tryna follow the crowd and have no other items of clothing. Str8.

No long ting init!

Peace & God Bless !